Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Another record in my life.

It snowed again here in Iqaluit, but this time it's still on the ground. It was a bit of a weary moment when I saw it this morning at 6:18am. BUT you can't really expect anything else when you live 6 degrees from the Arctic circle.

That's my "unimpressed with the snow" face
It's an experience and a half.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Snow, seriously.

It snowed.

This is a record in my life; the earliest I've ever seen it snow.

September 6 2009.

Weather fail.BUT it didn't stay so all is well in Iqaluit.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Magazine awesomeness


You know when you're about 10 and you get your picture in the newspaper for the Terry Fox run or something and you're really excited even though you can only see you're feet, an arm and half of your face? Well take that excitement and multiply it by 100 and that's the kind of excitement I had when I found out I was in a magazine from Milan!!!

I'm a full page in Hairworld International Issue 24, giggity! I screamed when I saw it, jumped around and acted like a complete fool. But it was so cool!

The next step is to frame it somehow...scalpel anyone?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

More hair photos!

Yay for more hair photos!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Glitter, glam and hot hair!

I've done hair shows for about 7 years now on and off. I started doing them while I was in high school in grade 9 and going to local competitions. My first competition my stylist and I won 1st prize for a Junior stylist; and we've been together ever since, mostly. I go to (when I'm in Barrie) Lindie Blackwell at Spyce Salon and Spa. She does great work and at a really good price too. She knows exactly what she wants your hair to look like, what goes with your face...everything.

Anyway back to the hair shows. Once we did some stage work Lindie moved onto doing photo shoots. Awesome pictures from when I was about 16/17 until I was 20. Now that I live in the north, it's a little harder to get down to Barrie to do the shoots, but the next time I'm there I promise I'll pump out a couple more. Even if it means me in a bathroom doing emo Myspace shots.

* All hair done by Lindie Blackwell
* Make up for the second and third photo shoot done by Jessica Gignac
* The final photo done by BABAK

The results of my first photo shoot...

Second one...

The most recent photo that is a finalist in the 2009 NAHA competition along with the other photos from this shoot.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A mini vacation

My postmaster and I went for a nice stroll to Ottawa for the Civic long weekend. It was great! We went to the Museum of Civilization in Hull, Museum of Science and Technology, the Rideau mall a kajillion times and walked pretty much everywhere. It was great! Now flying back was a little bit tricky, we were at the airport in Ottawa and everything was a go. We got into the air, a couple of hours later we were supposed to be landing in Iqaluit, not so much. There was so much fog, landing was not an option. We ended up flying to Kuujjuaq and sitting there for about an hour then took off for a successful land in Iqaluit.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Hot hot heat!!

Holy hot heat here in Iqaluit!

My mom told me it was going to be hot when I moved here with the sun and all..but wow. It's only 23 degrees right now, but it feels warmer in the sun, but then the arctic breeze passes by it's perfect. If only summers could always be like this!
The down side to the arctic breeze is that it's usually stronger then a simple breeze and you end up eating sand. BUT then again it does blow the mosquitos I don't really mind a little sand crunches for no bug bites.

Hopefully going to see Harry Potter this weekend and check out the Road to Nowhere...I really just want more summer pictures for when winter hits in October.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Coolest app ever? I think so!

Check out the new "gadget" I put up here. You can feed the fishies!!!

Feed away!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Canada Day and chicken curry

So Canada Day here in Iqaluit was...small. Haha. Being used to the parades in Barrie and Toronto that take from half an hour plus, this one was maybe 2 minutes. I'm not even kidding. It was a sad parade at that. I understand that people tried their best for it, but it's not like any other parade that I've ever been too. People don't throw candy and crap for the kids, there's no's just city trucks, fire/ambulance vehicles and there was one scooter with a side car. One person didn't even bother to wash their truck, HA! I actually got to watch the parade from my living room window, that was convenient. Over all it was nice Canada Day. My post master and I walked to the falls, it was sushiney fun had by all. I even made a midget inukshuk! It was a 2 hour walk there and back, we were dead tired when we got back that's for sure.

And when it comes to dinner after a hard days work we both want something tastey and relatively easy to make and clean up. I had made chicken curry once before, SO GOOD. So I'm making it again. I used this recipe and then just added extra stuff that I wanted.

I added in peppers, jalapenos (extra spicccccey), chili powder, cubed potatoes. The first time I made this I prepared everything and popped it all in the slow wasn't heating up fast enough..sooo into a stock pot it went.

Then it burnt a little. Oops. But still delicious! Mmmm!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Thunderstorms and summer time

It being June and from Ontario I'm used to the weather being awesomely warm and around the 20 degree mark. The only 20 degrees that I've seen were from February to April and they were in the negatives. Dang. This past week and weekend was decent weather. It was sunny, warm in the sunshine and around the 11 degree mark. Then Sunday came. Got up and it was pouring! It was awesome just sitting there listening to the rain on the metal roof tops. It rained all afternoon, watched some movies with my postmaster and I realized that there was no thunder, lightning. It was just rain. So weird. Apparently because of where I am, and the location and temperatures and a bunch of sciencey stuff there can't be thunderstorms here. I guess I'll just have to YouTube my thunderstorms from now on.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Cable vs. Satellite

Man, I am so glad that I have satellite!

The cable company released a flyer saying that they are switching to digital cable (ooohh, ahhh...but I want DSL internet. Hmph.) and that their prices are going to be going up. No surprise there. If I had cable it would cost me like 140 a month to have what I have for satellite...but I only pay $65, giggity! Just to have basic cable it could cost you $70 plus tax, plus any other fees they deem necessary. The only downside to having satellite is if you have to buy a dish you have to buy the bigger, more expensive one that is $500...then get it installed so that it can't be stolen. It happens here you know.

Friday, June 19, 2009

My first time.

I've never written a blog please forgive for my lack of, well anything.

I grew up in Ontario and while I was in college my Mama moved up here. So in December of 2008 I came to visit her and ended up getting a job offer for the radio station up here. I had one of my friends, Kat, suggest to me that I start a blog, or even a vlog. See, I thought I'd be busy having a life like I did in Ontario but it's super small town here and most things close by 6 at the latest; especially in the winter. (below: Tipper and Dynamo)
I moved up here with just my essential stuff and my (then skinny) kitten Tipper in February. Holy banana republic it was cold. I remember it was ridiculously cold here. The coldest I remember it being was -46 with the windchill. Coming from Central Ontario this was obscene. But you put on your Under Armour, thermal pants...and the rest of your clothes, spend at least 15 minutes putting on your outdoor clothes...and then finally you're ready to go.

So, I was here without much stuff and everyday I would go to the post office 2 doors down from me to see if I had any packages arrive for me. Every time I'd go would be at the same time and there was always this cute guy that served me at the counter, coincidence maybe? Since the Legion is the place to be on the weekends my cute postal worker asked me to join him and friends there. Why not? I don't know anybody. Well he hasn't left my side since. He's kind of a big deal to me.

It's been (as of today) 5 months and 21 days of learning more radio ins and outs, having hilarious times with my very own Postmaster and I added another kitten to my life.