Friday, June 19, 2009

My first time.

I've never written a blog please forgive for my lack of, well anything.

I grew up in Ontario and while I was in college my Mama moved up here. So in December of 2008 I came to visit her and ended up getting a job offer for the radio station up here. I had one of my friends, Kat, suggest to me that I start a blog, or even a vlog. See, I thought I'd be busy having a life like I did in Ontario but it's super small town here and most things close by 6 at the latest; especially in the winter. (below: Tipper and Dynamo)
I moved up here with just my essential stuff and my (then skinny) kitten Tipper in February. Holy banana republic it was cold. I remember it was ridiculously cold here. The coldest I remember it being was -46 with the windchill. Coming from Central Ontario this was obscene. But you put on your Under Armour, thermal pants...and the rest of your clothes, spend at least 15 minutes putting on your outdoor clothes...and then finally you're ready to go.

So, I was here without much stuff and everyday I would go to the post office 2 doors down from me to see if I had any packages arrive for me. Every time I'd go would be at the same time and there was always this cute guy that served me at the counter, coincidence maybe? Since the Legion is the place to be on the weekends my cute postal worker asked me to join him and friends there. Why not? I don't know anybody. Well he hasn't left my side since. He's kind of a big deal to me.

It's been (as of today) 5 months and 21 days of learning more radio ins and outs, having hilarious times with my very own Postmaster and I added another kitten to my life.


  1. I will follow your blogging adventures! Take lots-o-pictures!

  2. yay! i'm the friend :D i'm still pushing for the vlog though, i want to see where you live! and tipper! when i move to England, i will restart my vlog and we can be video pen pals :D xo
